MDP JV Girls Basketball Team

BLUE TEAM Schedule

BLUE TEAM Schedule



Region 21 Gym Locations

Region 21 Gym Locations

Monday, January 23, 2012

JV Girls Play at Villanova University

On Tuesday, January 17th the MDP JV Girls Basketball Team played at halftime of the Villanova Women's Basketball game versus Penn.   The girls were able to get to see a great game and enjoy all the sites and sounds and events surrounding a College Basketball game.

The team got to play for 7 minutes on the floor of the Pavilion at Villanova University and they all made the most of their playing time.   Wild D. Cat, the VU mascot also got into the action on the court and got a kick out of getting some playing time with the girls and sat in for many pictures.

Thanks to Coach Michelle for arranging the opportunity for the team to experience playing on a University court, watch the talent of the Women's Basketball team, and get to take home some memories that will last a lifetime.

A Big "THANK YOU" to the Villanova Women's Basketball Team for allowing the MDP Girls to have such an "awesome experience"!!

Posted by Coach "M"
Pictures by Sue W, Cathy McN, Pam R, and Robert McK.



"Nothing Matches" Practice 

On January 13th, the MDP girls decided to once again show off their personality by having a "Nothing Matches" practice.   Every girl did their best to have shorts, shirts and socks be as mis-matched as possible.  
It made for a very colorful practice.

Posted by Coach "M"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Helen Wilson Memorial
Christmas Tournanment

The MDP JV Panthers Tournament Team for the Helen Wilson Memorial Christmas Tournament was a mix of members of the BLUE and WHITE teams. 

There were 14 members representing MDP for the JV Christmas Tournament.

The Tournament team members are shown left to right in the back row: Kelly M, Juliana M, Maddie H, Tori, and Karli.
The center row: Katelyn, Kelly B, Angel, Julianna K, and Lauren.

The front row: Molly, Maggie, Jaime and Gina.

 Game Tee Shirts:


Team Introductions:

Game Action:

Team Meeting:

Lauren Competing in Foul Shot Contest:

Posted by Coach "M"
Pictures by Sue W.
JV Panthers Blue Team

 The MDP JV Panthers BLUE Team has twelve very talented girls that they have been showcasing their skills in five games already this season.

The Blue team's members are shown left to right  from top to bottom:  Julia, Megan, Angel, Karli, Rachel, Kelly M, Lauren, Molly, Katelyn, Tori, Maggie, and Jaime.

Game Action Pictures:

Posted by Coach "M"
Pictures by Sue W.
JV Panthers White Team

The MDP JV Panthers WHITE Team has twelve very talented girls that are ready to show off their skills and talents they are perfecting in practice. 
The White team's members are shown left to right in the back row: Maddie H, Grace, Kelly B, Juliana M, Hope, Maura, and Coach Harvey
In the front row are: Lexi, Kalie, Maddie R, Gina, Julianna K, and Hannah

Pregame Prayer:


Foul Shot: 

Game Action Shots:

Posted by Coach "M"
Pictures by Sue W.