MDP JV Girls Basketball Team

BLUE TEAM Schedule

BLUE TEAM Schedule



Region 21 Gym Locations

Region 21 Gym Locations

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

St. Norbert's Coaching Clinic and Scrimmage

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The JV Panthers Tournament Team visited St. Norbert's School in Paoli on Monday evening for a Coaching Clinic and Scrimmage.

Coach Bill M and Coach Michelle set up various scenarios for both offense and defense and ran the girls through a variety of plays, while providing feedback and instruction for the girls.

This coaching clinic provided the teams with a really good opportunity to practice plays used in games while giving them exposure to other teams in the league.

The teams then scrimmaged for about 15 minutes while the coaching staff provided immediate feedback and instruction throughout the game.

MDP would like to "Thank" St. Norbert's and their coaching staff for letting us visit their school and allow the girls another excellent opportunity to enhance their basketball skills.

Posted by Coach “M”
Photos by Sue W.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

St. Monica's Basketball Tournament

Monday, November 28, 2011

The JV Panthers Tournament Team played in the Christopher M. Jones Jr. Basketball Tournament at St. Monica's School in Berwyn, PA over the Thanksgiving weekend.

The tournament team consisted of girls from both the BLUE and the WHITE teams, and the team members for this tournament were Lauren, Tori, Juliana M, Jaime, Maddie, Kelly B, Maggie, Angel, Katelyn, Gina, and Julianna K.

In the first round on Friday, the team played against the St. Monica's JV Team, but the game ended in a loss for MDP by a very close score of 27 to 21. 

The off-season rust was apparent at the start of the first game of the season...but in true "Panther Style", the girls shook off the sluggishness and ended the game strong, playing together as a team, despite the loss.

On Saturday, in the Consolation Game, MDP battled against St. Teresa of Avila and came away with a win.  From the start of the game, the team was hot, and with one game under their belt, they played a very solid and competitive game.   Offense was provided mostly by Juliana M, Lauren, Maddie and Tori, with some very impressive assist passes from Gina, Katelyn, and Kelly B, and Lauren. 

Rebounding in Game 2 was much improved from the first game, with Gina, Jaime, Kelly B, Maddie, Lauren and Tori all helping out under the boards for both offensive and defensive rebounds.   

Our defensive standouts in this game with St. Teresa were Julianna K, Tori, Maggie, Jaime and Juliana M, Gina, Katelyn and Kelly B, and several others hustling to the ball on every play.

"Thank you" to all the parents and family members that supported the team over the holiday weekend and we look forward to a great season for both the BLUE and WHITE teams.

A special thanks to our "Official Team Photographer", Sue W for taking so many great pictures!

Posted by Coach “M”
Photos by Sue W.